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Sour Party is a comedy directed by Amanda and Michael A. Drexton. The film follows Gwen and James, two broke, flailing 30-somethings on a quest to scrounge money from a collection of low lives and failed artists in an attempt to show up to Gwen's sister's baby shower with a proper gift. “Well Hell,” co-written by Lauren Ruth Ward and Eduardo Rivera, is featured in the film.

Loot is an Apple TV+ comedy series created by Matt Hubbard and Alan Yang. The series stars Maya Rudolph, Michaela Jaé Rodriguez, Joel Kim Booster, Ron Funches, and Nat Faxon. Lil Kim and 50 Cent’s “Magic Stick”, co-written by Carlos Evans, can be heard in the show.

Big Boys is a coming-of-age comedy directed by Corey Sherman, and features Pearl Charles’ catchy tune, “Only for Tonight."  The film explores a teenage boy’s unexpected crush which turns a camping trip into a time of self-discovery.

This Netflix television series, Heartbreak High, is a soft reboot of the 1990s series by the same name. The series follows the students and teachers of Hartley High in Australia. Desire’s “Under Your Spell”, co-written by Nathanial Miller, is featured in the new series.

Directed by Andy Delaney and written by Peter James Cooper, Holly by Nightfall follows a group of friends as they’re confronted with the difficulties of adult life. The film features Chromatics’ “Shadow”, written by Adam and Nathaniel Miller.

Premiering on Prime Video in February of 2024, The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy is a star-studded animated series produced by Natasha Lyonne, Maya Rudolph, and Danielle Renfrew’s Animal Pictures. Vivabeat’s “The House is Burning”, co-written by Marina Del Rey and Mick Muhlfriedel, can be heard in the series.

Emad Aleebrahim-Dehkordi’s feature debut, A Tale of Shemroon, is an indie film exploring the business endeavors of a man living with his younger brother and father following the death of his mother. Chromatics’ “Lady”, co-written by Superior clients Adam and Nathanial Miller, can be heard in the film.

The BBC mini-series, Lost Boys and Fairies, explores the relationship between two men and their journey through adopting a child. The series features Desire’s “Under Your Spell”, written by Nathanial Miller.

New Releases

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